Passive House and Net-Zero Residential Design
In collaboration with Passive Design Solutions, we now offer the option of building your Wheelhouse Backyard Suite to meet Passive House design standards. Making your backyard suite net-zero will reduce your energy costs and your carbon footprint. Wheelhouse can fully customize your backyard suite to be efficient and stylish.
Passive House Design Principles
The ideal Wheelhouse x Passive House is designed to be energy efficient by minimizing heat loss and maximizing the thermal performance of the building envelope. Here’s how:
Extra Insulation: Insulation levels in a passive house are at least twice the r value of a standard new home.
Airtight Envelope: Up to 50% of heat loss in standard homes come from air leakage.
Eliminate Thermal Bridges: We cover any cold joints with insulation, like where the roof joins the wall, for example.
Efficient Layout: We thoughtfully place windows to maximize heat generated by the sun during the winter. We use shading and open windows to create airflow and help your backyard suite stay cool in the warmer months.
High-Efficiency Mechanical: Hot water, heating, ventilation and cooling equipment that are appropriate for the size of your building.
For more information on making your Backyard Suite net-zero, reach out to us here.